In opting to wear the dress designed by Christopher John Rogers and Sergio Hudson, Harris has sent her own message to the country that Black designers have arrived on the scene.
Jindal faces significant challenges as the chief executive of Louisiana, a state which was devastated by hurricans Katrina and Rita.
The winners were selected from among the 97 students in 50 states, including 85 high school seniors and 12 high school juniors, who were chosen as state winners in the award programme sponsored by the Siemens Foundation and run by the College Board, which administers the AP programme. The national winners -- a girl and a boy -- are each awarded a $5,000 college scholarship.
"Dr GnanaDev's impact on the care of (patients) is immense," said San Bernardino County Medical Society President Dr Manmohan Nayyar, who nominated GnanaDev for the award.
'Indians have more body fat, less muscle mass...Obesity is more prevalent among vegetarians....' advises Dr Nikhil Dhurandhar.
Cities with a strong presence in health care, education, law, energy, and the government will feel the impact of a downturn less.